Tuesday, October 19, 2010

War was fun!

The event was a blast and I thought the missions used were a lot of fun.  We decided to use the Battlefield Missions book and rolled for Themed Missions.  Each race or army has three distinct missions in the Battlefield missions book.  Both players roll off and the player with the highest die then rolls a d3 on their race's specific missions.  The missions are in no way balanced and are purely for fun.  It would be hard if not impossible to call them competitive.  I suppose, it would depend on your definition of competitive. 

Anyways, many of us brought fun lists or lists in which we wanted to test.  Some players even used proxies to represent their army.  Since our goal was a fun and less competitive day of gaming, no one saw a problem.  Therefore, I chose to bring my Pre-Heresy Thousand sons (using the Blood Angels Codex).  The army is approximately 80% complete as I have to assemble a few more troopers, add shoulder pads, and heads.  The army looks quite stunning if I say so.  The army list can be seen elsewhere in my blog, but I'll post it again for convenience. 

115pts - Librarian (fear of darkness, shield of sanguinius), Inferno Pistol
115pts - Librarian (Same as above), Inferno Pistol
150pts - Sanguinary Priests (3)
210pts - Tactical (10) Vsgt w/Powerfist, Meltagun, Lascannon
210pts - Tactical (10) Vsgt w/Powerfist, Meltagun, Lascannon
200pts - Tactical (10) Vsgt w/Power weapon, Meltagun, Lascannon
200pts - Tactical (10) Vsgt w/Power weapon, Meltagun, Lascannon
210pts - Devastator (10) 4 Missile Launchers
210pts - Devastator (10) 2 Missile Launchers, 2 Multi-Meltas
230pts - Devastator (10) 4 Plasma Cannons

Due to time and the need to be somewhere else in the evening, I was only able to fit in two games.

The first game, I played against Templar (John Taylor) and his Space Wolves army.  After seeing my Space Wolves army, John decided to adopt an identical list as he liked the way the army plays.  Since John used a Space Wolves army nearly identical to mine, it was no difficult task picking out its weaknesses and exploiting them.  John also made a terrible mistake in deployment leaving his army to arrive in pieces.  In addition, John forgot we were playing 1850pts and fielded 2000pts.  Ouch, but the Thousand Sons prevailed. 

The second game, I played against Saint Omerville and his Imperial Guard.  Saint brought four leman ruses, two commissars, two big squads with three power weapons each, two heavy weapon squads with autocannons, and a few other things I can't recall.  We decided to play an Imperial Guard mission since I previously played a space marine mission.  The mission was identical to Seize Ground in that we were required to capture objectives.  Saint won the roll for choosing sides, and picked the side with three objectives as opposed to two.  Due to my lack of mobility and the fire power of four leman russ battle tanks, I was unable to contest enough objectives to draw let alone win.  Still a fun game. 

In the end, It was a successful and relaxing day of gaming with the FrAG guys.  In addition, I was able to clearly see how my Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons army lacked in mobility.  I will be looking to implement some sort of shock troop or crack squad that is able to bring the fight to the enemy.  At the moment, I'm considering TH&SS Terminators or a Vanguard Squad.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Preparing for War

My gaming club, FrAG (The Frederick Area Gamers), plans to hold another club event in mid October.  Instead of the usual competitive tournament structure, they plan on a less competitive event in which battlefield effects will be used.

Battlefield effects:
-Low Gravity
-Warp Storm 
-Sand Storm
-Toxic Wasteland
-Trench Warfare

Instead of the normal competitive lists that we all bring, this will allow us to bring fun themed lists.  So, what type of list should I bring?

1) Sons of Ultramar, 1st Company - Space Marine Terminators
2) Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons - Blood Angels Foot Marines
3) Sons of Russ - Space Wolves
4) Chaos Space Marines
5) Eldar

Its a tough choice and a good time to put together a themed army.  Possible armies that will probably be brought by my fellow FrAGs.

1) Orks
2) Eldar
3) Chaos Space Marines
4) Space Marines
5) Chaos Daemons
6) Blood Angels
7) Space Wolves
8) Black Templars
9) Imperial Guard
10) Tyranids

The even is only a few weeks out so I'll wait to see what else develops before I choose a list.  In the meantime, I'll contemplate what to field.  Stay tuned!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Witch Hunt Is Over!

The Witch Hunt Is Over and my primary target, Mephiston, eluded the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Execution Squad.  Regardless, the FrAG tournament was a success.  Eight players battled it out for three rounds leaving only one to be declared Best General.  Congratulations to Saint Omerville.   
3-0 Saint Omerville: Imperial Guard
2-1 TheEC: Space Wolves
2-1 Sanguinebrother: Blood Angels
2-1 Downer: Space Marines
1-2 Templar: Space Wolves
1-2 Artax: Imperial Guard
1-2 Fallen: Tyranids
0-3 Mad Larkin: Chaos Space Marines
Round: #1
TheEC vs. Sanguine (winner TheEC)
Saint Omerville vs. Artax (winner Saint Omerville)
Templar vs. Fallen (winner Templar)
Mad Larkin vs. Downer (winner Downer)
Round: #2
TheEC vs. Downer (winner TheEC)
Saint Omerville vs. Fallen (winner Saint Omerville)
Templar vs. Artax (winner Artax)
Sanguine vs. Mad Larkin (winner Sanguine)
Round #3
TheEC vs. Saint Omerville (winner Saint Omerville)
Sanguine vs. Fallen (winner Sanguine)
Downer vs. Artax (winner Downer)
Templar vs. Mad Larkin (winner Templar)
My record for the tournament was 2-1 in which I faced Sanguine, Downer, and Saint Omerville.  Could there have been a tougher list of opponents.  Unfortunately, I didn’t take battle reports, but I can still provide a brief summary of each game. 

Game #1.  The mission was Seize and Control (3 Objectives) with dawn of war as the setup.
Sanguine brought a Blood Angels list that consisted of a Librarian, 3 Sanguinary Priests, 2 (5) man squads of Stern Guard, 4 Tactical Squads, 2 Attack Bikes, and 3 Devastator Squads.  Lots of fire power (missiles, Plasma, Lascannons, and Multimeltas) with a FNP bubble.
Sanguine rolled the higher die and so chose his deployment zone.  Setting up, Sanguine chose a gun line that stretched clear across the board.  I chose to leave everything in reserve.  When it came time to deploy, two drop pods landed near one of his flanks and shot a tactical squad and attack bike.  My remaining forces followed in behind the drop pods or headed up the center towards the middle objective.  Eventually, I was able to wrap up a few units in assault and Sanguine’s shooting was less than spectacular do to some horrid dice rolls.  We only made it to turn 3 and we were pretty sure the Wolves would win the day.  Pete was a great opponent and I enjoyed this game.  I hope next time we can play a full game and battle it out further.
Game #2.  The mission was Capture and Control or as we like to call it, Capture the Draw with Spear Head (Board Corners) as the setup. 
Downer brought a Space Marine list that included Shrike, Kahn w/Command squad on bikes, TH&SS Terminator Squad (10), 2 Multimelta Dreadnoughts in drop pods, 2 tactical squads w/combi-meltas, meltaguns, and multimeltas in drop pods, and 2 MM speeders .  Lots of meltas and two very heavy hitting assault units.  Downer chose to use Shrike's Combat Tactics. 
Downer  won the roll to choose deployment zones and so setup and chose to go first.  I kept everything in reserve.  Downer moved up towards my objective unhindered.  I brought two drop pods with Grey Hunters and Meltas in to eliminate a speeder and Dreadnought.  The speeder dropped pretty quickly, but I only shook and immobilized the Dreadnought.  Next turn, one squad was assaulted by TH&SS Terminators w/Shrike (using fleet), and Kahns bike squad.  Unfortunately for Downer, Kahn’s squad had difficulty getting into assault due to the Dreadnought and was only able to partially assault (Kahn left out of combat).  Eventually, my reinforcements fought off the Terminators and Kahn’s squad to secure the objective in my deployment.  It looked like a draw until my Rune Priest used Jaws of the World Wolf and sniped two marines from the tactical squad securing the objective in Downer’s deployment zone.  It was a close game and we both felt if the game had gone on further, the Wolves would have further secured the victory.  Downer’s list was a great test for the Wolves as it hits hard and is difficult to deal with.  That said, even though Downer did make some bad rolls, it was a pretty fun game. 
Game #3.  The mission was Kill Points with Board edges as its deployment. 
Saint Omerville brought several vendettas, an executioner, 2 manticores, 2 psyker battle squads, and several chimeras filled with troops.
Saint Omerville won the roll for deployment and so setup and went first.  I kept everything, but the two Lone Wolves in reserve.  This game was an uphill battle for the Wolves from the beginning.  One pod misshaped and was placed in the opposite corner by my opponent.  The other successfully deployed a MM Dreadnought, but was destroyed due to the Inquisitors Mystics allowing the Vendetta free shots.  Long story short, the Lone Wolves walked across the board only to be gunned down after assaulting a few Chimeras.  The rest of the army failed to come in from reserves and what did was either being ordanced or missile podded to death.  It was a fun game, but the Wolves were outclassed.  Saint's Imperial Guard is a tough challenge for any army.  I look forward to facing them gain in the near future. 
Overall, today was a success and much fun was had.  Hopefully, our club will get together in the near future and hold another FrAG only tournament.  I’ve attached some photos from the tournament for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!
Above: Picture of Sanguines deployment (Blood Angels gun line)

Above: Turn one, I come on the board and begin the advance towards the Blood Angels Gun line.

Above: Right before the Grey Hunters assault and hold up several squads.

Above: TH&SS Terminator Squad and Karn w/Command Squad in combat with a Space Wolves Dreadnoght, 2 Lone Wolves in TDA Armor, and a 10 man squad of Grey Hunters.

Above: The inquisitors Retinue.  I believe they just destroyed a Dreadnought even though you cannot see it in this picture.

Above: Inquisitor w/Retinue and Grey Hunter Squads secure objective in Capture and Control.

Above: Lone Wolves advance after the immobilized Dreadnought and the remnants of Kahn's Squad.

Above: The Rune Priest just used Jaws of the World Wolf and killed a few marines securing the other Objective.

Above: The victor and infamous Saint Omerville and his Imperial Guard sexiness.

Hope you enjoyed the brief battle reports and the few pictures that were taken.  Perhaps next time, we'll have a chance to face Mephiston or another powerful psyker in hopes the Inquisitor Lord and Retinue will play a bigger role.

Thank you and stay classy Warhammer 40k!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Let the witch hunt begin

Farseers, Librarians, and other Rogue Psykers have two things in common.  They are all Witches and need to be cleansed in the Emperor's name.  Most Witches are easily dispatched by local authorities or Arbites sweeps.  However, there are a few infamous Witches who require the attention of the Ordo Hereticus, a branch of the Inquisition charged with rooting out and purging the Mutant, the Witch, and the Heretic with divine vengeance.

::Transmission Begin::

-:I:- Alpha Level Classified Message -:I:-

+ 15:20:45 - 989.39M +

High Lord Inquisitor,

Reports of rogue psyker activity have come in from all sectors in the FrAG system.  Though we have been successful in purging many of the heretics and mutants with the assistance of local authorities and Arbites sweeps.  That said, we have had difficulty with certain Xenos and rogue elements. 

-Astartes Librarians from the Blood Angels Chapter have been deployed on Frederick IV.-
--The Flag ship of Mephiston, the Scourge of Carpathia, has been sighted on route to the FrAG system.--

-Chaos elements have been sighted on Frederick IV fighting Astartes forces.-
--Daemon Psyker activity has been reported by local Arbites on Frederick IV.--

-Tyranid monstrosities have been reported on St. Market II.- 
-- 13:15:05, reports have come in indicating the local PDF have been overrun by Tyranid cults.--

Request assistance from the Order Hereticus.

::Transmission End::


::Tranmission Being::

-:I:- Alpha Level Classified Message -:I:-

+ 25:16:12 - 989.39M +

Arbites Captain,

Ordo Hereticus Inquistion forces are on route to the FrAG system.  Standby to provide support in preparation of Inquisition and Space Wolves Astartes forces.

-Alpha Level Witch Hunter Execution Squad has been deployed.-
--Primary target: Mephiston, Scourge of Carpathia, Tyrant of Helios I.--

::Transmission End::

Basically, my gaming group is having a little tournament amongst its members tomorrow (Saturday, September 18, 2010.  The tournament will consist of 8 Players, 2000pts, and will use basic missions out of the Warhammer 5th Edition rule book.

I will be bringing my Space Wolves list featured in the previous battle report. The only difference is I will be including an Inquisitor Lord and retinue from the Witch Hunter Codex.  I have a feeling I will be seeing several psykers and had to come up with a way to help neutralize threats such as Mephiston and Tyranid Monsters with psyker abilities.

TheEC’s Space Wolves Army
100pts – HQ: Rune Priest w/Jaws of the World Wolf and Storm Caller
140pts – Elite: SW Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta and Drop Pod
085pts – Elite: SW Lone Wolf w/TDA, Chain fist and Storm shield.
085pts – Elite: SW Lone Wolf w/TDA, Chain fist and Storm shield.
215pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Fist, Meltagun x2, Rhino
215pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Fist, Meltagun x2, Rhino
215pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Fist, Meltagun x2, Rhino
210pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Weapon, Plasma Gun x2, Rhino
210pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Weapon, Plasma Gun x2, Rhino
151pts – Fast Attack: SW Sky Claws (7) w/Power Fist
255pts - Heavy Support: SW Land Raider Redeemer w/Extra Amor
1881pts - Total

Witch Hunter Inquisitor and Retinue
069pts - HQ: Inquisitor Lord w/Combi-Stake Cross bow, Power Weapon, Psycholum (sp), Frag Grenages
050pts - Retinue: Warrior w/Plasma Gun (+1 WS), Warrior w/Melta Gun, Sage (+1 BS)
119pts - Total

I would equip the second Warrior with another Plasmagun, but I didn't have the model or bits.  The meltagun might actually come in hand though when facing armor and scan still help take down big nasty targets.  The Combi-Stake Cross Bow will be quite effective against psykers.  If I can catch Mephiston out in the open (due to over confidence), the Inquisitior will hit and wound him on dueces ignoring Armor Saves.  Here are a few pictures.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Practice Games

Space Wolves Vs. Tyranids
I hope everyone had a pleasant and eventful Labor Day weekend.  The weather was gorgeous and the weekend long. For those of you who were forced to work, I hope you didn’t work too hard.

Anyways, a few of us FrAGs decided this weekend would provide a wonderful opportunity to get together and practice playing against tough lists or armies that we rarely see. Let’s face it; we regularly see Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, and Imperial Guard. Within our own playing circle, we rarely see Daemons, Necrons, Tau, or Tyranids. With the exception to Necrons, the other codices can provide a challenge if played by a tactful and sound Warhammer 40k player.

That said, one player brought his Tyranid Army, while another proxied Daemons. I was lucky enough to play against John and his Tyranids. With the help of Saint Omerville, John’s list was revamped to look something like a list Saint Omerville previously faced while playing Mr. Brandt. Saint Omerville thought the list was pretty solid and could provide many armies a serious run for their money or at the least a great amount of difficulty.

Note: Today’s practice games were set at 1850pts

John’s Tyranid List revamped by Saint Omerville
160pts – HQ: Parasite of Mortrax
100pts – Elite: Hive Guard (2)
100pts – Elite: Hive Guard (2)
100pts – Elite: Hive Guard (2)
050pts – Troops: Termaguants (10)
050pts – Troops: Termaguants (10)
050pts – Troops: Termaguants (10)
200pts – Troops: Tervigon w/Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst, and Scything Talons
200pts – Troops: Tervigon w/Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst, and Scything Talons
200pts – Troops: Tervigon w/Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst, and Scything Talons
140pts – Fast Attack: Gargoyles (20) w/Toxin Sacs
240pts - Heavy Support: Trygon Prime w/Adrenal Glands
240pts - Heavy Support: Trygon Prime w/Adrenal Glands
1830pts – Total (unable to recall where the extra points were)

Note: John is using Carnifex Models as Tervigons, Hormaguants as Gargoyles, and two Zoanthropes as Hive Guard in an attempt to proxy this list.  It was convenient that all proxied models were on the same base as the intended model.

The idea behind John’s Tyranid army is that the Tervigons roll in behind the Termaguants providing support while spawning more Termaguants. The Termaguants have poison and reroll their to wound roll in certain situations depending on their opponents toughness.  The Parasite safely flies around with the large unit of Gargoyles and counter attacks or ties up units with their mobility. The Trygon Primes provide additional melee support and help anchor the army while the Hive Guard destroy light armor. With the shier number of models and attacks, the Tyranids plan to overwhelm its opponent and seize the day.

TheEC’s Space Wolves Army
100pts – HQ: Rune Priest w/Jaws of the World Wolf and Storm Caller
140pts – Elite: SW Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta and Drop Pod
085pts – Elite: SW Lone Wolf w/TDA, Chain fist and Storm shield.
085pts – Elite: SW Lone Wolf w/TDA, Chain fist and Storm shield.
180pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Fist, Meltagun x2
215pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Fist, Meltagun x2, Rhino
215pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Fist, Meltagun x2, Rhino
210pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Weapon, Plasma Gun x2, Rhino
210pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Weapon, Plasma Gun x2, Rhino
151pts – Fast Attack: SW Sky Claws (7) w/Power Fist
255pts - Heavy Support: SW Land Raider Redeemer w/Extra Amor
1846pts - Total

Mission: NOVA Open Mission
Primary Objectives: Victory points
Secondary: Table Quarters
Tertiary: Objective Markers (5)
Setup: Pitched Battle

John won the roll to go first and so chose which side he wished to deploy.

Here is a picture before we deployed. John will deploy on the left and I will deploy on the right board edges.
John's Deployment.

John made some mistakes early on with his deployment.  First, he deployed his Parasite of Mortrax and Gargoyles to his far right (my left).  They will have difficulty counter attacking and supporting his left flank (my right).  He also deployed both Trygon Primes to his far left (my right) unprotected and without cover.  In reality, the Trygon Primes would have difficulty receiving cover even behind the Termaguants.  Lastly, John committed most of his forces to the right side of the table (my left).  This will pose a serious problem as he faces a much faster mobile army with my Space Wolves.   

My Deployment.
I deployed in the usual Land Raider shield pattern denying line of site to and providing cover for the softer Rhinos.  This was unneccessary as the Hive Guard weapons do not require line of site and were well out of range. 

Turn 1: John (Nids)
-Misc: John begins by spawning more Termaguants with his three Tervigons.  Their roles were 11 w/Doubles, 4 w/Doubles, and 9 w/o Doubles.  Two out of the three Tervigons will not be spawning Termaguants for the remainder of the game.
-Movement: John then proceeds by moving all his units forward towards my deployment.  Next he runs with everything in an attempt to close the distance. 
-Shooting: None of the Tyranid Weapons were in range.

Turn 1: Chris (Wolves)
-Misc: Both squads of Grey Hunters w/Power Fist and Meltaguns deep strike or arrive via Drop Pods.  They both land on target approximately three to six inches away from the Trygon Primes on my right (John's left flank). 
-Movement: The Land Raider Redeemer rolls up the right flank behind the center terrain piece and disembarks its cargo (Rune Priest and a further 10 Grey Hunters w/Power Fist and Meltaguns near the two squads that arrived via Drop Pod.  Both Rhinos follow pursuit, but their passengers do not disembark.  The Lone Wolves and Sky Claws file in behind he Land Raider and Rhinos waiting to counter charge nearby units.
-Shooting: To begin, the Rune Priest attempts to use Jaws of the World Wolf and roles 3, 3, & 2 for a total of 8 for his Psychic test due to the Shadow in the Warp on the Trygon Prime.  Luckily, the Rune Priest passes and was able to target the Trygon Prime as well as the far right Tervigon.  The Trygon Prime passes his initiative test, but unfortunately for John, the Tervigon does not and is therefore removed from the battle field taking a further 5 Termaguants along the way.  Note:  That was the only Tervigon still able to summon Termaguants! Next, the combined fire from the Grey Hunter Pack that deployed from the Land Raider and the nearest Grey Hunter Pack causes a combined 5 wounds to the first Trygon Prime.  The Land Raider Redeemer finishes off the Trygon Prime's last wound with rending shots from its Assault Cannon.  The last Grey Hunter Pack causes an outstanding 5 wounds to the back Trygon Prime leaving one wound.

Pictures from the end of Turn 1

Turn 2: John (Nids)  
-Movement: John moves all his Tyranids towards my units on his left (my right).  The Gargoyles and Parasite of Mortrax quickly fly in anticipation of getting into range.  John then runs the units that are probably out of range of shooting to further close the gap between our forces. 
-Shooting: Johns has a few units in range and decides to open up in an attempt to exact revenge for the fallen Tyranids.  The Hive Guard squads target the Rhinos and end up immobilizing the far right Rhino.  The remaining Trygon Prime opens up on the Rune Priest and accompanying Grey Hunter pack causing two wounds.
-Assault: The Termaguants assault the closest Grey Hunter pack causing one wound and being whiped out by the Grey Hunter's counter attack.  The Trygon Prime assaults the Rune Priest and accompanying Grey Hunter Pack causing one wound to the Rune Priest and two to the squad.  Note: The T.Prime split its attacks three towards the Rune Priest and three towards the GH pack.  The Rune Priest and Grey Hunters were unable to wound the Monstrous Creature until the Grey Hunter with the Power Fist caused one wound killing the Trygon Prime. 

Turn 2: Chris (Wolves)
-Misc: The Drop Pod with the Dreadnought fails to arrive from reserve.
-Movement: The Land Raider, Lone Wolves, and mobile Rhino move to the left side of the Bastion in preparation to engage the Parasite of Mortrax with Gargoyles, left most Tervigon, nearest squad of Hive Guard, and two squads of Termaguants.  The mobile Rhino uses its smoke launchers.  The Sky Claws, three packs of Grey Hunters, and Rune Priest move forward to engage the closest Tervigon, a squad of Termaguants, and the remaining two squads of Hive Guard.
-Shooting: The immobilized Rhino fails to repair itself.  The Rune Priests attempts to use Jaws of the World Wolf with in range of a Tervigon with Catalyst and is forced to roll three die.  The result ends up with two 6's causing a Perils of the Warp killing the Rune Priest who already had one wound from the Trygon Prime.  One of the Grey Hunter packs kills four out of five Termaguants in cover.  The Drop Pods combine fire to kill the last Termaguant in cover.  One of the Grey Hunter packs cause a single wound to the closest Tervigon.  The Land Raider Redeemer lets loose its promethium from its Flamestorm Cannon and kills no less than nine gargoyles and two termaguants from a nearby squad.
-Assault: One of the Lone Wolves makes it into assault with a squad of Hive Guard.  The Hive Guard are unable to penetrate the ancient tactical dreadnought armor.  The Lone Wolf causes three wounds killing one and putting a wound on the other.  Note: Due to the Saga of the Beast Slayer, the Lone Wolf rerolls failed to-hits rolls against T5 or higher models and Walkers.  The Sky Claws charge one of the other Hive Guard squads killing one (causing two wounds) and losing two in return.  Drawn Combat.

Pictures from the end of Turn 2
Turn 3: John (Nids)
-Movement: Moves the closest Tervigon back out of range of the Grey Hunters to support the Termaguants.  The Parasite of Mortrax and Gargoyles fly over the Land Raider in preparation to assault the mobile Rhino and possibly unengaged Lone Wolf.  The remaining Termaguant squads move up to assist the Hive Guard in assault. 
-Shooting: The unengaged Hive Guard squad targets and shoots the Smoked Rhino and misses.  The rest of the Tyranid's shooting is ineffective.
-Assault: Two squads of Termaguants assault the Sky Claws engaged with one of the Hive Guard squads and kills all five before they can strike back.  Another squad of Termaguants assaults the Lone Wolf engaged with the other Hive Guard squad causing zero wounds.  The Hive Guard fails to wound and gets ripped apart by the Lone Wolf.  The Lone Wolf wins the combat, but the Termaguants stay even after wounds from being fearless.  The Parasite and Gargoyles combine assault the Rhino, unengaged Lone Wolf, and Land Raider in that order.  They only assault the Raider with a single Termaguant in order to assault the Lone Wolf.  The Guants fail to cause a wound and the Parasite fails to hit the Rhino. The Lone Wolf kills a few Termaguants, but they also stay in combat.

Turn 3: Chris (Wolves)
-Misc.  The Drop Pod with the Dreadnought arrives from reserve scatting seven inches back into the cover of trees. 
-Movement: I move the Grey Hunter Squads further around the bastion in pursuit of the Tyranid models and prepare to unleash the power of the mighty Boltgun.  The Land Raider Redeemer moves close to a squad of Termaguants and Hive Guard.  The mobile Rhino moves around the right side of the bastion and the Grey Hunter pack disembarks.
-Shooting: The Dreadnought shoots its Multi-Melta and Storm bolter causing a wound to the last Hive Guard squad.  The Land Raider Redeemer flames a squad of Termaguants killing four Termaguants.  The Land Raider also catches and kills a Hive Guard with its promethium.  The Grey Hunters fire killing seven from one Termaguant squad and nine from another.  The Grey Hunter pack that disembarked from the mobile Rhino killed the last Hive Guard from the Sky Claw combat with the use of Plasma Guns. 
-Assault: The Parasite causes a wound to the Lone Wolf only to take one itself.  The three remaining Gargoyles fail to cause a wound to the Lone Wolf.  Drawn Combat.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures at the end of Turn 3.  However, I somehow have a picture after the Tyranid units charged, but before they unleashed their attacks during Turn 3.  Enjoy!

Turn 4: John (Nids)
-Movement: John (Nids) moves up his Tervigons to support the Termaguants.  The last Hive Guard moves up behind the few remaining Termaguants. 
-Shooting: The Termaguants cause no wounds.  The Hive Guard penetrates the Dreadnought's Armor and immobilizes it. 
-Assault: The Tervigon nearest the Land Raider Assaults it causing a penetrating hit only to immobilize it.  The four remaining Termaguants from the two Squads assault one of the Grey Hunter packs killing two and being whipped out.  The Termaguants in combat with the Lone Wolf fail to cause a wound and the Lone Wolf mauls two in return causing a further two wounds because they lost combat, were fearless, and failed their armor saves.  The Parasite and Gargoyles fail to wound each other.  The Lone Wolf also fails to cause a wound due to missing.  Note: The Parasite is only tough four and the Saga of Beastslayer does not apply.  

Turn 4: Chris (Wolves)
-Movement:  The four squads of Grey Hunters (4, 8, 10, & 10 strong) move up to unleash fire on the wounded Tervigon that moved back Turn 3.  The Grey Hunter pack in the immobilized Rhino disembarks and moves towards the combat between the Parasite, Gargoyles, and Lone Wolf.
-Shooting: The Dreadnought fails to wound the Tervigon.  The Combined fire from the Grey Hunters take down the Tervigon with five wounds. 
-Assault: The Grey Hunter pack that disembarked from the immobilized Rhino assaults the Parasite and remaining Gargoyles killing the remaining Gargoyles and causing two wounds to finish off the Parasite.  The Gargoyles cause two wounds to the Grey Hunter pack, but the Parasite fails to wound the Lone Wolf.  The other Lone Wolf in combat with the Termaguants kills two causing a further two wounds due to combat resolution and finishes the squad.  Both Lone Wolves and Grey Hunter pack massacre towards the last Tervigon.

Pictures at the end of Turn 4

At this point, John called it as he only had one Tervigon and one Hive Guard left with two Lone Wolves and five packs of Grey Hunters in fast pursuit.

It was a really fun game and John was a great sportsman as always.  It was the first time John used the new Nids list and rarely plays against Space Wolves.  He also realized after turn one that he made a huge mistake in the way he deployed his forces.  This didn't help due to the fact that my Space Wolves Army was able to effectively deploy on one of his flanks forcing him to face a much larger force.  In the end, it was nice seeing a competitive Nids list even though it may not have been played to the best of its ability.  I also enjoyed seeing the synergy between the Tervigons and Termaguants.  I liked the units and can see how effective they can be when assaulting in unison.  Spawning units of Termaguants only to enhance their abilities in assault is crazy awesome.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Citadel Warhammer 40k Basing Kit

A few days ago, I ordered the Ahriman model from the Warhammer 40k line and the Citadel Warhammer 40k Basing Kit.  As usual, the package arrived no later than 3 days after I ordered.  How Awesome! 

The Ahriman model is mail order or direct order only.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize this until after I called every GW and Hobby store in the Maryland area.  Now that I finally have the model, I am pretty excited to be able to convert the Ahriman model to fit my Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons army. 

Picture courteous of Games Workshop

At first, I was quite skeptical about the basing kit.  I was concerned that more than half of the kit would go to waste or that I wouldn't use it.  Second, I was concerned it would not have the right size or enough of the medium slate in which I would like to use in basing my Space Wolves Army.  Lastly, I questioned whether or not I should order the Warhammer version or stick with the 40k Version. 

After much deliberation, I decided to order the 40k version and trust in GW.  Thankfully, when I opened up the kit, I soon realized I made a wise choice.  In fact, I am so excited about not only basing my Space Wolves Army, but other models in various armies as well. 

The kit is a pretty nice bargain.  The kit itself contains 5 tubs and one brass etching of basing detail.  One tub was filled with tiny slate fragments and another with medium slate that will fit nicely on 25mm and 40mm bases.  Next, there were two tubs filled with pre-made basing resin pieces made for 25mm and 40mm bases.  Finally, the kit includes an empty tub for mixing or whatever your heart desires.

So, if you are ready to base some of your models and you can't quite decide on how to accomplish this task.  I highly recommend trying out either of the Citadel basing kits.            


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ragnar Blackmane

After going through the many Gun and GW figure cases for my Sons of Ultramar Chapter's 1st Company, I ran across my converted Ragnar Blackmane model.  Like many 40k enthusiasts, I was not a fan of the older Special Character model with its static and boring pose.  Plus, I'm a fan of plastic models in which you can convert and make into your own unique figure.  With that said, here is my own version of Ragnar Blackmane.

This model incorporates several design elements that are copied from the original model.  However, the model is incomplete and will require some additional work.  For starters, the sword has to be replaced and I think I'm going to rebase the model at the least.  Other than that, I'm pretty satisfied with the way it turned out.  The picture really does not do it justice.

Sadly, as much as I might like the model, I doubt I'll ever use it in a practical game.  In fact, that is the case for most of the Space Wolves Special Characters.   In my opinion, they are all over priced for their abilities and stat lines when compared to other Special Characters.

Monday, August 23, 2010

In the mean time.

I'm contemplating how to base my Space Wolves Army.  Currently, I'm leaning towards small pieces of slate along with the normal basing materials.  Perhaps I'll pick up the Warhammer 40k basing kit.  

Until then, I'll leave you with a few pictures of the Sons of Ultramar Chapter, 2nd Company's (The Spear), Captain.  They are a successor chapter of the Ultramarines.

Later, I'll post some pictures of the first chapter and give a little back ground as to the Chapter's structure/organization.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Space Wolves Lone Wolf Models

(2) 85pts Lone Wolf w/TDA, Chainfist, Stormshield

Space Wolves and Feedback from the NOVA Open

As most of you know, the NOVA open has come and gone.  In the last few days, I've read and heard nothing but praises for the event.  Everything from the tournament organizers and the way the event was run to the missions and sportsmanship of other hobby enthusiasts.  It is for that reason; I regret not being able to have attended such an entertaining event.

Even though I was unable to make the NOVA Open, I feel as though I can still benefit from the event.  In particular, the coverage provided by certain players and the tournament organizers can provide some useful insight or be of help when considering how one of my armies may fair.  After reading dozens of battle reports, I've come to realize that I may need to update or consider a few changes in my Space Wolves List.  I'll detail my current 1850pt list and then discuss the possible changes I'm considering making.

This list is similar to the one I used to play Saint Omerville with in a practice game for the ICGT that took place on July 31st.  In fact, you can find a battle report on his blog, Saint Omerville's 40k Blog.

Space Wolves 1850pts

100pts - HQ: SW Rune Priest
140pts - Elite: SW Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta [Drop Pod]
140pts - Elite: SW Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta [Drop Pod]
198pts - Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) Wolf Guard w/Power Fist & Storm Bolter, Meltagun x2,
215pts - Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) Power Fist, Meltagun x2, [Drop Pod]
215pts - Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) Power Fist, Meltagun x2, [Rhino]
210pts - Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) Power Weapon, Plasmagun x2, [Rhino]
210pts - Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) Power Weapon, Plasmagun x2, [Rhino]
169pts - Fast Attack: SW Sky Claw Pack (8) Power Fist
255pts - Heavy Support: SW Land Raider Redeemer w/Extra Armor
Total: 1850pts

I have plenty of Anti-Tank weaponry even though it is short ranged.  The short range weapons are not a hindrance since I plan on being in my opponent's face most of the game, but what happens when I'm assaulted or inevitably assault something that packs a punch.  I just don't think I can rely on my single Power Fists in my Grey Hunter packs.  Two attacks on the charge and one sitting still with the exception of the single Wolf Guard model. 

You might say to yourself, what about your Dreads.  The sad reality is one if not both will probably not survive very long after deploying from their Drop Pods.  They deploy, get a shot off and if I'm lucky, survive to charge a unit.  Even then, a MC or other crazy close combat unit may be able to take them out before they swing back.

After looking for a replacement, this is what I've come up with.

Space Wolves 1850pts

100pts - HQ: SW Rune Priest
140pts - Elite: SW Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta [Drop Pod]
085pts - Elite: SW Lone Wolf in TDA, Chainfist, and Storm Shield
085pts - Elite: SW Lone Wolf in TDA, Chainfist, and Storm Shield
180pts - Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) Power Fist, Meltagun x2,
215pts - Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) Power Fist, Meltagun x2, [Drop Pod]
215pts - Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) Power Fist, Meltagun x2, [Drop Pod]
210pts - Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) Power Weapon, Plasmagun x2, [Rhino]
210pts - Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) Power Weapon, Plasmagun x2, [Rhino]
151pts - Fast Attack: SW Sky Claw Pack (7) Power Fist
255pts - Heavy Support: SW Land Raider Redeemer w/Extra Armor
Total: 1846pts

The other consideration is taking a unit of three Thunder Wolf Cavalry in place of the Sky Claws and giving the Rune Priest a Wolf Tail Talisman. 

Some of you may remember when I said I refuse to field Space Wolves riding Giant Wolves.  Well, my stand on using Giant Wolves has not changed.  I was considering using two old Wulfen models per base to represent my Thunder Wolf Cavarly.  I'll have to consider the pros and cons and how other players would react (i.e. Line of site, size, etc). 

Both lists are similar in that they are led by a Rune Priest, their core units consists of five (5) full packs of Grey Hunters, Sky Claws, and a Land Raider Redeemer.  The big difference is their ability to deal with heavy hitting characters, Dreadnoughts, Monstrous Creatures, or Tough units in assault.  Their ability to crack open armor and put down MCs at short range has taken a slight decrease but nothing significant.

I plan on picking up a Space Wolves Terminator Box set this evening and will post some pictures in the near future.  So, Stay tuned!

Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons Army List

Here is the list I plan on using for my Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons Army (Using the Blood Angels Codex). 

100pts HQ: Master Sorcerer (Librarian)
100pts HQ: Master Sorcerer (Librarian)
150pts Elite: Sorcerer's Cadre (Sanguinary Priests x3)
210pts Troops: T.S. Tactical Sqd #1 Sorcerer (V.Sgt) w/Power Fist, Meltagun, Lascannon
210pts Troops: T.S. Tactical Sqd #2 Sorcerer (V.Sgt) w/Power Fist, Meltagun, Lascannon
200pts Troops: T.S. Tactical Sqd #3 Sorcerer (V.Sgt) w/P.Weapon, Meltagun, Lascannon
200pts Troops: T.S. Tactical Sqd #4 Sorcerer (V.Sgt) w/P.Weapon, Meltagun, Lascannon
210pts Heavy: T.S. Devastator Sqd #1 Sorcerer (V.Sgt) Missile Launchers x4
210pts Heavy: T.S. Devastator Sqd #1 Sorcerer (V.Sgt) Missile Launchers x2, Multi Melta x2
230pts Heavy: T.S. Devastator Sqd #1 Sorcerer (V.Sgt) Plasma Cannons x4
Total: 1820pts

I can't quite figure out how to incorporate the remaining 30pts, but I'll figure something out. 

This army is nearly identical to Saint Omerville's (a fellow FrAG) Blood Angel list.  It is designed to effectively cripple the enemy before they can reach my lines and fight off units that make it into assault.  The Librarians will help combat enemy psychic powers while providing cover and possibly boosting the armies assault capabilities.  The Sanguinary Priests can provide everyone with FNP and Furious Charge when counter assaulting.  Every unit is armed with one or more long range weapons while the tacticals sport special close combat weapons for additional close combat support.  Two of the Tacticals and all three Devastators will combat squad while the two remaining Tactical Squads will hold the lines. 

If everything goes as planned, I'm confident this list will do fairly well.  After all, two fellow FrAG gamers have had pretty successful runs with similar lists.

If you have any suggestions regarding the remaining 30pts, please post a comment below and share your thoughts.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons Army

What can I say, I've been contemplating on converting and collecting a Pre-Heresy Army ever since I read the first Pre-Heresy novel.  However, I ran into some road blocks with the idea of a Pre-Heresy army.

1) Which army should I create?
2) Do I create a Loyalist army or a traitor legion?
3) If I create a traitor legion, how far along will they be corrupted?
4) Toughest question, which codex will I use? (Chaos, Space Marines, etc)
5) I would love an army that really stands out from the rest.

Several Pre-Heresy novels later, I finally decided on creating a Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons army.  In addition, I'm pretty set on using the new Blood Angels codex for a few reasons.

1) I like their selection of psychic powers.
2) I like the idea of being able to field a Librarian Dreadnought (How cool is that!)
3) Finally, I like the BA units (Sanguinary Priests, Fast Vehicles, and Special Characters)

Next, I needed to find or create an idea that popped out or screamed Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons.  Before long, I ran across a few sites where fellow Hobbyist used Tomb King and other conversion bits from several independent miniature sites.  I mixed these with Chaos Bitz and liked where the look of the army was headed.  I've added a few pictures below.  

Maxmini is one such site in which they sell Pre-Heresy Terminator Shoulder Pads and Marine Helmets

I should warn you, the models in the pictures are not complete.  They all require heads, shoulder pads, back packs, and a few little extra bits. 

Basic Components (the picture is a little out of focus)

Two Librarians (each is sporting a Glaive or Spear)

Sanguinary Priests

Two Sergeants with Power Swords

Two Sergeants with Power Fists

Originally, assault marines.  Now they will be used for tactical
marines and the swords and bolt pistols are just for looks. There
are approximately 14 models armed similar to these four.  I have no
 doubt they'll look sharp mixed in the tactical squads. 

Just a few Tactical Marines with Bolters

Tactical Marines with Meltaguns (Split between four squads)

Tactical Marines with Lascannons (Split between four squads)

Devastator Marines with Missile Launchers

Devastator Marines with Plasma Cannons

Monday, August 16, 2010

Present Day!

Currently, I am going to school and working full time.  As you may imagine, this leaves little time for wargaming.  However, after watching many of my friends and fellow FrAGs participate in local and regional tournaments, I have been inspired to prepare a few of my armies for competition.  With the help of a little schedule adjustment and better time management, I believe it is now possible to increase my participation and time spent on my grand hobby.  Huzzah!

That said, please stay tuned for regular updates on armies I'm currently working on, lists I'm developing, and battle reports. 

Goodnight and stay classy 40k!

The Age of Strife (The Beginning)

I'd like to start by introducing myself.  I go by TheEC (The Emperor's Champion) on forums and online, but my fellow friends and gamers know me as Chris. 

I casually started playing GW Games in 98' and become more involved in '01 when I meet a solid group of gamers in the Frederick, MD Area.  Overtime, we formed into a core group of likeminded gamers who not only gamed together, but partied with each other.  Eventually, we decided to create a club in order to organize the local 40k gamers and create an environment that would see our hobby prosper.  We called ourselves, FAGs, which stood for the Frederick Area Gamers.

The Frederick Area Gamers became a well organized club supporting all things Warhammer 40k (Games Day, Tournaments, BBQs, and other events).  FrAG's ranks swelled and participation was at an all time high.  When the clubs one year anniversary came up, the current club leadership decided it was time to have an open election in which all FrAGs could play a role in leadership and help decide the future of the Frederick Area Gamers.  Unfortunately, this opened up our club and allowed it to be abducted and held for ransom (literally) by gamers of a different yolk.  Not only was our club high jacked, but so was our local gaming area. 

Long story short, FrAG's core contingency wrestled back control of the club and shed the dead weight we all knew as Hobbytown USA and the FAIL Club.  Through encouraging a greater understanding of our hobby and by fostering positive relationships with other gamers, FrAG has evolved and matured far beyond their previous companions.  The Frederick Area Gamers (FrAG) now consists of a smaller, more competitive group of gamers who actively participates with and in other events held by gaming clubs throughout the greater Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington D.C. area.

In the end, I am proud to call my self a FAG, a Frederick Area Gamer!