Friday, August 26, 2011

"Remember, where you are going, there are no roads."

Hello again, its been too long.  Between wrapping up the last few semesters of school and work, there hasn't been much time for posting on my blog.  The good news is I'm in the last semester and I expect to graduate in December.  That means I can devote more time to my beloved hobby and devote more time to my blog.  Until then, I'll provide a little update and hopefully post some pictures within a week or two.

I've started another army.  Yes, you are probably asking yourself, why start another army when you cannot finish the first one or second, third, fourth, and fifth ones.  I just love building and converting that much.  Its much easier to design, build and convert, and play with an army than it is to paint it.  Plus, I have trouble settling on one list.

The new addition to the family and flavor of the week is ...... (Drum roll)....The Grey Knights.  I've always wanted to create a Grey Knight army since I read the first Grey Knight book.  I didn't like the previous codex and line of models enough to dive in and join the Daemon Hunter band wagon.  That all changed with the new Codex and line of models.  Mostly, due to the new nice miniatures and plastic kits that were released.  This gave me an idea.  What if I created an Adeptus Custodes army.  The Grey Knight models are perfect, well at least their weapons and rules.  I'd need some additional bits, but nothing I couldn't handle.  Therefore, I jumped in head first. 

What came out the other end was a pleasant surprise.  I'm quite happy with the models minus the storm bolter and lack of a gunglaive, but I'm pleased otherwise.  I used the following bits.

-WH Fantasy High Elves New Plastic White Lion Head/Helms. 
-Blood Angel Sanguinary Winged Shoulder pad for the Left shoulder pad.
-Mixed Shoulder pads for the Right shoulder pad (Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Grey knights, Etc.)
-Grey Knight Torso
-Grey Knight Back Pack (slimmed down)
-Dark Angels Plastic Robed Legs
-Grey Knight Halberd and Storm Bolter Weapon Arms.

With that in mind, here is my list.  Its not perfect or finalized, but I'm pretty set on most of the units.

190pts - HQ: Grand Master w/Psychotroke (sp?) Grenades 
100pts - HQ: Brother Champion (Just love this model's rules and I converted a nice mini)
145pts - Elite: Vindicare Assassin (Love this model and its rules)
175pts - Elite: Purifier Squad (5) Psycannon x2, Rhino
300pts - Troops: Terminator Squad (5) Justicar Thawn, Psycannon, Daemon Hammer
170pts - Troops: Strike Squad (5) Justicar w/Daemon Hammer, Psycannon, Razorback w/Psyammo
170pts - Troops: Strike Squad (5) Justicar w/Daemon Hammer, Psycannon, Razorback w/Psyammo
170pts - Troops: Strike Squad (5) Justicar w/Daemon Hammer, Psycannon, Razorback w/Psyammo
170pts - Troops: Strike Squad (5) Justicar w/Daemon Hammer, Psycannon, Razorback w/Psyammo
135pts - Heavy: Dreadnought w/Two  Twin-Linked Autocannons, Psyammo
135pts - Heavy: Dreadnought w/Two  Twin-Linked Autocannons, Psyammo
135pts - Heavy: Dreadnought w/Two  Twin-Linked Autocannons, Psyammo
Total Points: 1995pts

Kill Points: 18
Scoring Units: 6 + D3

Certain elements in this list are tactically sound while others are more for fun and fluff. 

1) The Grand Master provides the Grand Stratagem ability.  This ability allows a few things to happen, but most importantly turns D3 other units into scoring units.  This is obviously used to give the Dreadnoughts the ability to score and hold rear objectives. 

2) The Brother Champion is a Death Star killer.  More important to me is the picture and cool duel like rules his unit brings to the table.  Did I mention I converted a really cool model to fit the picture in the GK book.  Pictures to come at a later date.

3) The Vindicare is just plan awesome.  Well and the coolness and fun factor are off the charts. 

4) The Purifiers are a great unit with their psychic power cleanse and purifier (sp?).  They also get two attacks, are fearless, and can sport two psycannons in a 5 man squad.  Easy choice.  The only downside is they cannot score unless the Grand Stratagem is used on them.

5) The Grey Knights Terminators are purely for fun.  Thawn is interesting and can become climatic.  I do like the Initiative 6 halberds.  It also helps they are a scoring unit and my Grand Master can lead their squad.

6) The Basic Grey Knight Strike Squads are awesome.  Storm Bolters and Pyscannon.  Daemon Hammers might be a waste of 10pts, but I'm of the opinion its better safe than sorry.  I cannot count the number of times a powerfist has come in handy versus a vehicle or lone MC.  The daemon hammer is a Thunder hammer on Crack.

7) The Dreadnoughts with Autocannons and Psyammo is what my gangsta counterparts would call, "Money."  They are soo good for the point cost and that's before you throw in fortitude and Aegis. 

There you have it.  Its not a Corteaz list, it does not include 10 Razorbacks with Psyammo, you won't find Paladins or that Death Star unit everyone keeps plugging away at.  What you will find is an aesthetically pleasing army that packs a punch, but leaves the douchery at the door.  Well, maybe all except for the third dread.  That was a little too much.

See you on the battlefield and don't forget, Stay Classy War Hammer!