Saturday, September 18, 2010

Let the witch hunt begin

Farseers, Librarians, and other Rogue Psykers have two things in common.  They are all Witches and need to be cleansed in the Emperor's name.  Most Witches are easily dispatched by local authorities or Arbites sweeps.  However, there are a few infamous Witches who require the attention of the Ordo Hereticus, a branch of the Inquisition charged with rooting out and purging the Mutant, the Witch, and the Heretic with divine vengeance.

::Transmission Begin::

-:I:- Alpha Level Classified Message -:I:-

+ 15:20:45 - 989.39M +

High Lord Inquisitor,

Reports of rogue psyker activity have come in from all sectors in the FrAG system.  Though we have been successful in purging many of the heretics and mutants with the assistance of local authorities and Arbites sweeps.  That said, we have had difficulty with certain Xenos and rogue elements. 

-Astartes Librarians from the Blood Angels Chapter have been deployed on Frederick IV.-
--The Flag ship of Mephiston, the Scourge of Carpathia, has been sighted on route to the FrAG system.--

-Chaos elements have been sighted on Frederick IV fighting Astartes forces.-
--Daemon Psyker activity has been reported by local Arbites on Frederick IV.--

-Tyranid monstrosities have been reported on St. Market II.- 
-- 13:15:05, reports have come in indicating the local PDF have been overrun by Tyranid cults.--

Request assistance from the Order Hereticus.

::Transmission End::


::Tranmission Being::

-:I:- Alpha Level Classified Message -:I:-

+ 25:16:12 - 989.39M +

Arbites Captain,

Ordo Hereticus Inquistion forces are on route to the FrAG system.  Standby to provide support in preparation of Inquisition and Space Wolves Astartes forces.

-Alpha Level Witch Hunter Execution Squad has been deployed.-
--Primary target: Mephiston, Scourge of Carpathia, Tyrant of Helios I.--

::Transmission End::

Basically, my gaming group is having a little tournament amongst its members tomorrow (Saturday, September 18, 2010.  The tournament will consist of 8 Players, 2000pts, and will use basic missions out of the Warhammer 5th Edition rule book.

I will be bringing my Space Wolves list featured in the previous battle report. The only difference is I will be including an Inquisitor Lord and retinue from the Witch Hunter Codex.  I have a feeling I will be seeing several psykers and had to come up with a way to help neutralize threats such as Mephiston and Tyranid Monsters with psyker abilities.

TheEC’s Space Wolves Army
100pts – HQ: Rune Priest w/Jaws of the World Wolf and Storm Caller
140pts – Elite: SW Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta and Drop Pod
085pts – Elite: SW Lone Wolf w/TDA, Chain fist and Storm shield.
085pts – Elite: SW Lone Wolf w/TDA, Chain fist and Storm shield.
215pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Fist, Meltagun x2, Rhino
215pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Fist, Meltagun x2, Rhino
215pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Fist, Meltagun x2, Rhino
210pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Weapon, Plasma Gun x2, Rhino
210pts – Troops: SW Grey Hunter Pack (10) w/Power Weapon, Plasma Gun x2, Rhino
151pts – Fast Attack: SW Sky Claws (7) w/Power Fist
255pts - Heavy Support: SW Land Raider Redeemer w/Extra Amor
1881pts - Total

Witch Hunter Inquisitor and Retinue
069pts - HQ: Inquisitor Lord w/Combi-Stake Cross bow, Power Weapon, Psycholum (sp), Frag Grenages
050pts - Retinue: Warrior w/Plasma Gun (+1 WS), Warrior w/Melta Gun, Sage (+1 BS)
119pts - Total

I would equip the second Warrior with another Plasmagun, but I didn't have the model or bits.  The meltagun might actually come in hand though when facing armor and scan still help take down big nasty targets.  The Combi-Stake Cross Bow will be quite effective against psykers.  If I can catch Mephiston out in the open (due to over confidence), the Inquisitior will hit and wound him on dueces ignoring Armor Saves.  Here are a few pictures.