The Witch Hunt Is Over and my primary target, Mephiston, eluded the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Execution Squad. Regardless, the FrAG tournament was a success. Eight players battled it out for three rounds leaving only one to be declared Best General. Congratulations to Saint Omerville.
3-0 Saint Omerville: Imperial Guard
2-1 TheEC: Space Wolves
2-1 Sanguinebrother: Blood Angels
2-1 Downer: Space Marines
1-2 Templar: Space Wolves
1-2 Artax: Imperial Guard
1-2 Fallen: Tyranids
0-3 Mad Larkin: Chaos Space Marines
Round: #1
TheEC vs. Sanguine (winner TheEC)
Saint Omerville vs. Artax (winner Saint Omerville)
Templar vs. Fallen (winner Templar)
Mad Larkin vs. Downer (winner Downer)
Round: #2
TheEC vs. Downer (winner TheEC)
Saint Omerville vs. Fallen (winner Saint Omerville)
Templar vs. Artax (winner Artax)
Sanguine vs. Mad Larkin (winner Sanguine)
Round #3
TheEC vs. Saint Omerville (winner Saint Omerville)
Sanguine vs. Fallen (winner Sanguine)
Downer vs. Artax (winner Downer)
Templar vs. Mad Larkin (winner Templar)
My record for the tournament was 2-1 in which I faced Sanguine, Downer, and Saint Omerville. Could there have been a tougher list of opponents. Unfortunately, I didn’t take battle reports, but I can still provide a brief summary of each game.
Game #1. The mission was Seize and Control (3 Objectives) with dawn of war as the setup.
Sanguine brought a Blood Angels list that consisted of a Librarian, 3 Sanguinary Priests, 2 (5) man squads of Stern Guard, 4 Tactical Squads, 2 Attack Bikes, and 3 Devastator Squads. Lots of fire power (missiles, Plasma, Lascannons, and Multimeltas) with a FNP bubble.
Sanguine rolled the higher die and so chose his deployment zone. Setting up, Sanguine chose a gun line that stretched clear across the board. I chose to leave everything in reserve. When it came time to deploy, two drop pods landed near one of his flanks and shot a tactical squad and attack bike. My remaining forces followed in behind the drop pods or headed up the center towards the middle objective. Eventually, I was able to wrap up a few units in assault and Sanguine’s shooting was less than spectacular do to some horrid dice rolls. We only made it to turn 3 and we were pretty sure the Wolves would win the day. Pete was a great opponent and I enjoyed this game. I hope next time we can play a full game and battle it out further.
Game #2. The mission was Capture and Control or as we like to call it, Capture the Draw with Spear Head (Board Corners) as the setup.
Downer brought a Space Marine list that included Shrike, Kahn w/Command squad on bikes, TH&SS Terminator Squad (10), 2 Multimelta Dreadnoughts in drop pods, 2 tactical squads w/combi-meltas, meltaguns, and multimeltas in drop pods, and 2 MM speeders . Lots of meltas and two very heavy hitting assault units. Downer chose to use Shrike's Combat Tactics.
Downer won the roll to choose deployment zones and so setup and chose to go first. I kept everything in reserve. Downer moved up towards my objective unhindered. I brought two drop pods with Grey Hunters and Meltas in to eliminate a speeder and Dreadnought. The speeder dropped pretty quickly, but I only shook and immobilized the Dreadnought. Next turn, one squad was assaulted by TH&SS Terminators w/Shrike (using fleet), and Kahns bike squad. Unfortunately for Downer, Kahn’s squad had difficulty getting into assault due to the Dreadnought and was only able to partially assault (Kahn left out of combat). Eventually, my reinforcements fought off the Terminators and Kahn’s squad to secure the objective in my deployment. It looked like a draw until my Rune Priest used Jaws of the World Wolf and sniped two marines from the tactical squad securing the objective in Downer’s deployment zone. It was a close game and we both felt if the game had gone on further, the Wolves would have further secured the victory. Downer’s list was a great test for the Wolves as it hits hard and is difficult to deal with. That said, even though Downer did make some bad rolls, it was a pretty fun game.
Game #3. The mission was Kill Points with Board edges as its deployment.
Saint Omerville brought several vendettas, an executioner, 2 manticores, 2 psyker battle squads, and several chimeras filled with troops.
Saint Omerville won the roll for deployment and so setup and went first. I kept everything, but the two Lone Wolves in reserve. This game was an uphill battle for the Wolves from the beginning. One pod misshaped and was placed in the opposite corner by my opponent. The other successfully deployed a MM Dreadnought, but was destroyed due to the Inquisitors Mystics allowing the Vendetta free shots. Long story short, the Lone Wolves walked across the board only to be gunned down after assaulting a few Chimeras. The rest of the army failed to come in from reserves and what did was either being ordanced or missile podded to death. It was a fun game, but the Wolves were outclassed. Saint's Imperial Guard is a tough challenge for any army. I look forward to facing them gain in the near future.
Overall, today was a success and much fun was had. Hopefully, our club will get together in the near future and hold another FrAG only tournament. I’ve attached some photos from the tournament for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
Above: Picture of Sanguines deployment (Blood Angels gun line)
Above: Turn one, I come on the board and begin the advance towards the Blood Angels Gun line.
Above: Right before the Grey Hunters assault and hold up several squads.
Above: TH&SS Terminator Squad and Karn w/Command Squad in combat with a Space Wolves Dreadnoght, 2 Lone Wolves in TDA Armor, and a 10 man squad of Grey Hunters.
Above: The inquisitors Retinue. I believe they just destroyed a Dreadnought even though you cannot see it in this picture.
Above: Inquisitor w/Retinue and Grey Hunter Squads secure objective in Capture and Control.
Above: Lone Wolves advance after the immobilized Dreadnought and the remnants of Kahn's Squad.
Above: The Rune Priest just used Jaws of the World Wolf and killed a few marines securing the other Objective.
Hope you enjoyed the brief battle reports and the few pictures that were taken. Perhaps next time, we'll have a chance to face Mephiston or another powerful psyker in hopes the Inquisitor Lord and Retinue will play a bigger role.
Thank you and stay classy Warhammer 40k!