Saturday, September 25, 2010

Preparing for War

My gaming club, FrAG (The Frederick Area Gamers), plans to hold another club event in mid October.  Instead of the usual competitive tournament structure, they plan on a less competitive event in which battlefield effects will be used.

Battlefield effects:
-Low Gravity
-Warp Storm 
-Sand Storm
-Toxic Wasteland
-Trench Warfare

Instead of the normal competitive lists that we all bring, this will allow us to bring fun themed lists.  So, what type of list should I bring?

1) Sons of Ultramar, 1st Company - Space Marine Terminators
2) Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons - Blood Angels Foot Marines
3) Sons of Russ - Space Wolves
4) Chaos Space Marines
5) Eldar

Its a tough choice and a good time to put together a themed army.  Possible armies that will probably be brought by my fellow FrAGs.

1) Orks
2) Eldar
3) Chaos Space Marines
4) Space Marines
5) Chaos Daemons
6) Blood Angels
7) Space Wolves
8) Black Templars
9) Imperial Guard
10) Tyranids

The even is only a few weeks out so I'll wait to see what else develops before I choose a list.  In the meantime, I'll contemplate what to field.  Stay tuned!