Tuesday, October 19, 2010

War was fun!

The event was a blast and I thought the missions used were a lot of fun.  We decided to use the Battlefield Missions book and rolled for Themed Missions.  Each race or army has three distinct missions in the Battlefield missions book.  Both players roll off and the player with the highest die then rolls a d3 on their race's specific missions.  The missions are in no way balanced and are purely for fun.  It would be hard if not impossible to call them competitive.  I suppose, it would depend on your definition of competitive. 

Anyways, many of us brought fun lists or lists in which we wanted to test.  Some players even used proxies to represent their army.  Since our goal was a fun and less competitive day of gaming, no one saw a problem.  Therefore, I chose to bring my Pre-Heresy Thousand sons (using the Blood Angels Codex).  The army is approximately 80% complete as I have to assemble a few more troopers, add shoulder pads, and heads.  The army looks quite stunning if I say so.  The army list can be seen elsewhere in my blog, but I'll post it again for convenience. 

115pts - Librarian (fear of darkness, shield of sanguinius), Inferno Pistol
115pts - Librarian (Same as above), Inferno Pistol
150pts - Sanguinary Priests (3)
210pts - Tactical (10) Vsgt w/Powerfist, Meltagun, Lascannon
210pts - Tactical (10) Vsgt w/Powerfist, Meltagun, Lascannon
200pts - Tactical (10) Vsgt w/Power weapon, Meltagun, Lascannon
200pts - Tactical (10) Vsgt w/Power weapon, Meltagun, Lascannon
210pts - Devastator (10) 4 Missile Launchers
210pts - Devastator (10) 2 Missile Launchers, 2 Multi-Meltas
230pts - Devastator (10) 4 Plasma Cannons

Due to time and the need to be somewhere else in the evening, I was only able to fit in two games.

The first game, I played against Templar (John Taylor) and his Space Wolves army.  After seeing my Space Wolves army, John decided to adopt an identical list as he liked the way the army plays.  Since John used a Space Wolves army nearly identical to mine, it was no difficult task picking out its weaknesses and exploiting them.  John also made a terrible mistake in deployment leaving his army to arrive in pieces.  In addition, John forgot we were playing 1850pts and fielded 2000pts.  Ouch, but the Thousand Sons prevailed. 

The second game, I played against Saint Omerville and his Imperial Guard.  Saint brought four leman ruses, two commissars, two big squads with three power weapons each, two heavy weapon squads with autocannons, and a few other things I can't recall.  We decided to play an Imperial Guard mission since I previously played a space marine mission.  The mission was identical to Seize Ground in that we were required to capture objectives.  Saint won the roll for choosing sides, and picked the side with three objectives as opposed to two.  Due to my lack of mobility and the fire power of four leman russ battle tanks, I was unable to contest enough objectives to draw let alone win.  Still a fun game. 

In the end, It was a successful and relaxing day of gaming with the FrAG guys.  In addition, I was able to clearly see how my Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons army lacked in mobility.  I will be looking to implement some sort of shock troop or crack squad that is able to bring the fight to the enemy.  At the moment, I'm considering TH&SS Terminators or a Vanguard Squad.